In October 2022, I assembled an octet of friends to play at COMA – it was a great time. Joshua Oates, Oboe; Hilary Bruer, Violin; Julia Brittain, Violin; Ella Beard, Viola; Martin Alexander, Viola; Rachel Bruerville, Cello; Stephen Newton, Bass; Emma Knights, Keys.
Selected Instrumental Music
Just one piece for the moment, as this page will be updated in 2025 as my debut album comes into existence!
See below for information about my current one hit wonder!
Dancing on Tiptoes
For string orchestra [3′ 00′′]
Also available in string quartet and brass quintet versions
Dancing on Tiptoes was commissioned by the Hush Foundation as part of its Collective Wisdom project, visiting teenagers in mental health wards of hospitals around the country.
Hush 18 "Collective Wisdom", the album, was released on the ABC Classics label, originally recorded for string orchestra by the Australian Chamber Orchestra Collective, 2018.
"It's like dancing on tiptoes, but knowing you're never going to fall..." - a quote from an insightful young person at Adelaide's Women's and Children's Hospital, which sparked the inspiration for this piece. It is a simple, moderate dance in changing, so-called "irregular" time signatures. Gwen Bennett, for Loudmouth, describes the melody as happy and sunny: "a mellifluous [what a great word!] theme that fluctuates up and down...". I hope it helps bring a sense of calm and optimism to anyone who is struggling. I am passionate about caring for the planet, and all animals, including people! Challenging the stigma surrounding mental illness is so important for creating a kinder, more understanding world, which is what the Hush Foundation are contributing so amazingly to. Music can certainly help create this world.